Friday, September 7, 2007

Shipped Boxes Arrived!!

This may seem boring to you but our stuff we shipped to Dominica arrived. The boxes were pretty beat up, and some of them were opened in customs, but everything seemed okay. The piano keyboard did'nt arrive though, but we might get it on Monday. Also tommorow we might do some sightseeing . I'll write some more later. Going to bed.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Pictures of Dominica

Here are some more pictures I took from my house of Dominica.

Daniel in Dominica (He's Safe)

Hi everyone. Welcome to Daniel in Dominica! I wanted to do this post to say that Hurricane Dean did not damage our house, and we are perfectly safe. I don't have very interesting tings to say in this post, because we don't have a car to do sightseeing, but this is only the first post. Every Friday I will try my hardest to post a new entry.

Here is a picture of Dominica I took from the verandah on our house.

I will try to post more pictures later. I miss you guys.
